Paradise living is way too easy here in warm (77°F) Florida. Above is an untouched, no-filter snap of the typical sky and vivid colors captured at a random street fair that sprung up over night in an empty lot opposite our grocery store. Adding to the magic are the ever present dolphins and compulsory slow pace that comes when living and biking around a sleepy beach town with two draw bridges. You just can't be in a hurry - there is always a sailboat waiting for the bridge to open so they can dawdle through the pass. Dolphins and draw bridges - both a must in my perfect world.
The sun seems strange this trip - it is at a very different angle than our normal November visits, and that, combined with the Daylight Savings Time change on the exact hour we arrived, has happily encouraged us to ignore our clocks and wristwatches. They just don't agree with what our internal sundials are saying about time and daylight.
Today was rainy - pouring buckets and thundering as if it is already summer. For me it was a welcomed chance to write my promised après-riding post. Grab a cuppa or two if you can stand some horsey inspired daydreaming...
Actually, as promised (threatened) this post has turned into my manifesto. And, probably my Swan Song for the blog. Hopefully its sincere enthusiasm will keep it from being too tiresome!
Actually, as promised (threatened) this post has turned into my manifesto. And, probably my Swan Song for the blog. Hopefully its sincere enthusiasm will keep it from being too tiresome!
A Pattern Language (Christopher Alexander, et al., 1977). As I explained to them, this book is important to the study of architecture, but its value reaches far beyond a short semester. Good design practices within any field, within any life, are essential in order to live with quality. I like to think of A Pattern Language, the book, as a psychological study of architecture - the why behind good design, and a pattern language, the concept, as the why behind good _______(fill in the blank) - good living, good riding, good horses...good.
Our copy of A Pattern Language was bought in 1987 and the well-worn cover and dog-eared pages tell the role it played in Brian's restoration of the little 1874 folk house we live in and call Nutmeg Cottage. I used it when designing the garden and quickly realized that this book held the key to much more than utilizing light and planning efficient traffic patterns.
In the seven years I lived without horses I spent many hours figuring out my own pattern language for the "problem" of how I wanted to work with and ride horses. I just now spent half a day recreating that journey on this post and then erased it because of its redundancy. It has all been said before on this blog and on my Found in the Fog site.
Suffice to say that my new patterns with horses solved the problem of what the phrases "I love horses" "I ride horses" "I am an equestrian" meant to me. So often we repeat statements like "I love horses" until they become a mantra in our life, but we might allow the associated images, those accepted and understood by others, to change our own images and our own intentions. I wanted to eliminate the concepts and words that did not match my honest, true, essential image of "I ride horses" - ring, indoor, arena, show, lunge, lunge whip, round pen, clinic, spurs, crop, pinned, number, clock, calendar, points, ribbon, schooling area, worked down, he needs a job, mane pulling, clip, braid, adrenaline, off, issues, nails, bombproof, scopey, groceries, hurry, trainer, too windy - and replace them with words that did match - throaty nicker greeting, whiskers, fragrant muzzle, munching, hand-walk, hand-graze, calm, alert, bareback, bitless, barefoot, safe, woods, farm track, daily ride.
In no way am I saying that the former words and concepts were bad or wrong or that the two lists are mutually exclusive to other people. The first list is just not what I pictured when I thought about being with a horse therefore I replaced the former pattern language with the one I originally, in childhood, visualized. Then I devised a plan to make the image real.
Happily, and in an amazingly short amount of time, the new language developed. I am able to ride all three Thoroughbreds without fuss or fighting or fear - for me or, more importantly, for them. They remain calm and interested each day for an hour long ramble - even in winter's wind - always without a bit and usually bareback. I never lunge or do ring work first. I wallow in the joy of finding a good solution, a good design that works for me and my horses within our large and varied equestrian world.
Yet there is one pattern in the language that hasn't been resolved - venue. Because, as hoped, this style of riding strips away the non-essential elements (those time consuming peripheral tasks I wasn't interested in) and allows an abundance of quality hours spent actually riding a relaxed, happy horse, I find myself daydreaming about riding in a suitable equestrian park and gardens - full of bridle paths and relevant, horse-friendly amenities that actually cater to the type of riding we are doing.
I've "traversed" the globe many times in the last five years on the internet looking for THE equestrian park, municipal or private, that fully utilizes the benefits this style of riding affords, but I can say with certainty it doesn't exist. I've found snippets here and there - in fact, I've been fortunate enough to experience first hand a magical equestrian park in Florida that comes very, very close, but even there, the focus is on a different ideal.
What does exist in great numbers are venues catering to other equestrian visions - those of training, performance, showing, competition, or day-long/weekend trail riding. Googling "equestrian park" "equestrian center" "equestrian community" unearths fabulous locations with too many amenities to list. Some typical ones include:
Stadium jump arena w/competition level footing
Full size dressage arena w/competition level footing
Adjacent schooling arena area with grass footing and rolltop schooling jumps
Truly what I am after has nothing to do with golfing or golf courses. I am all about the idea of a community equestrian space, much like a village or community green but on a larger scale. The fact that we do not really have village greens (or villages for that matter) in this country makes discussion of them difficult. England and Europe both boast public bridle paths and foot paths that converge in villages. Although tempting, I am not going to move the boys across the pond.
New York's Central Park of today is a mediocre example although I think it was probably very close to my ideal sometime during the last century. Here, just for fun, are four stills from my favorite scene in the movie Hair. I fell in love with the idea of riding in Central Park when I saw this in the theater in 1979. When Claremont closed in April of 2007 it was all over for that park in my opinion - not that Manhattan is good for a horse-lover's soul anyway. If you click the top photo you can watch the video. Warning: Not for children!!!!
Locally back home in Pennsylvania, most suburban community and municipal parks are full to the hilt with soccer fields and portable toilets. They are either too large to be quaint or completely devoid of flowering trees and small groves set among rolling hills.
Linear parks like many "Rails to Trails" that allow equestrians, runners, and bikers are excellent. This sign above, is the type displayed on one of our family's favorite bike trails, The York Heritage Trail. (As an aside, I totally LOVE that this sign tells everyone to yield to horses. I like it not because I am some power hungry control freak who likes to boss people around while riding, but it makes me smile because the people who designed these park signs understand that horses are the least predictable of the group. So funny and true!) Anyway, while linear parks are fabulous and important, I think they need to be adjacent to, or terminate into, a larger equestrian/running/skiing park space.
Riding and running over the same out and back course, even if trailering to different trail heads, gets monotonous. I know. I run small sections of a twelve-mile stretch of the scenic Appalachian Trail daily. And while I consider myself exceptionally lucky to have such a gem in my backyard, the linear nature of the AT does not provide the open green space that allows for a village hub of horse-related, non-competitive recreation and the associated après-activities.
The Appalachian Trail (horses not allowed anyway) and other linear rails to trails systems do not promote gathering because they are a point A to point B design scheme. Bridle path networks and happy jumbles of linear trails gone circular like those found in our national parks and in pockets of horse communities like Tryon, Asheville/Biltmore, Wellington, and of course the Bedford Riding Lanes in New York, among others, are very close to perfect. However, there still is a lack of the kernel space that caters to my type of riding.
Again, without golfers present, golf courses look exactly like a space where strolling should occur. Strolling. This is the thing. Walking, jogging, or running quietly among the trees, not racing. Biking with a basket and flowers, not aerodynamic helmets and sponsored jerseys. Cross-country skiing for fresh air and exercise. And riding a horse around the grounds. Not to a ring, after the show, outside the arena, for twenty miles, or for a cool down, but as the intended destination - the hour long stroll in a large, lovely, park full of horse friendly amenities. Amenities that are not typical in equestrian circles (yet) but oh, so, desirable. More on them in a bit...
How Large? Urban golf courses average 110-120 acres and courses at resorts are generally 170-190 acres.
Most golfers walk 4-6 miles in an average round of golf. Riding at the walk on a perimeter trail or through winding paths for one to two hours would be optimal to promote healthy (for horse) rides for both the daily rider or for riders who can only get out to the barn on weekends. No more lameness from sporadic overwork - hooray!
2. The Theme Park Pattern
Like most people I've been to a zillion different amusement parks over the years and I guess they are ok, but I do not find them to be super thrilling. Loud and gaudy, they aren't exactly my thing. Comically, the last time I was to Walt Disney World was when I was five years old (1972) and Maizie has never been, although we vacation each year in Florida.
But, the design - well, that is something altogether different. I have always been very much inspired by the layout and design of a good theme park. Obviously, Disney offers an over-the-top flashy aesthetic in its colors and characters, but at the core, there is something to be learned and admired.
Walt Disney visited Tivoli Gardens in Denmark to get ideas for his original (160 acre) Disneyland concept. Tivoli holds many secrets to the pattern of a horse friendly garden/equestrian park. Specifically, Tivoli and the Pleasure Garden model, primarily a European concept, is almost exactly what my ideal riding venue would offer.
I know you are thoroughly confused. No, I am not advocating riding a horse around an amusement park!!! The design, the paths, the bistros, the gardens (albeit much less tidy) are just another pattern I'm drawn to as the skeleton, the backbone of my ideal equestrian park.
I've mentioned on past posts that I rarely do anything without thinking about riding. I do not know if that sentence conveys what I mean. Literally, I am always thinking about riding. As I go about my day, in suburban areas, country, or urban, I often see interesting places to ride or run. I want to ride or run where I am looking. I do not picture myself riding in a ring. I do not think about riding in an indoor arena. Ever. Neither place comes to my mind as in "I wish I was riding a ring" - neither makes my heart race with anticipation. When I think about riding a horse, I think of riding...through a garden. I am not being affected or dramatic. I do. When I am at an amusement park, or golf course, or cemetery, or city park or any open place that is well designed with paths and flowering trees, I imagine riding there or running there or cross-country skiing there. Landscaping can be tight and neat or wild and prairie-like, but the time and design ideas that are thrown at beautifying these types of spaces scream for running and riding and skiing to take place there - in my opinion. I get all adrenaline-y just thinking about it!
That said, I am totally NOT interested in riding in any of these spaces that are not designated for horses or animals. I do not like when people bring animals into non-animal safe venues to be showy. Hellishly hot street fairs where people bring dogs or boa constrictors(!) to get attention drive me insane. Beaches where pets are not permitted and therefore do not have proper watering stations makes me worry and fret - (oh, they don't have shade, oh, it is too hot, oh, poor puppy only has salt water). Riding through our local cemetery is sub-par, even though I have permission, because I do not enjoy being showy. If I knew no one was around, I would love it. So I would not enjoy riding in an amusement park or other public place if it was specifically not set up for horses.
Lovely landscaped areas and bridle paths are everywhere I look except in an "equestrian center" or in an "equestrian park" - why?
3. Castles and Estates Grounds Pattern
The grounds and bridle paths through gardens and hedgerows of castles in Europe and grand estates here in the U.S. are obviously superb! Shriek! How much fun would this be? Answer: VERY!!!!!!! Especially if riding was permitted around all spaces - gardens, walkways, bridges, mazes, woods and groves.
A wonderful instagram friend from France rides her OTSB around the Chateau De La Batisse, above. Seriously, her photos always make me consider moving, but for me, it isn't about the castles - it's the grounds. She rides in sublime places.
In our own country we have estates like Biltmore, below, that offer lovely manicured grounds and miles of trails.
North Carolina's Biltmore has 80 miles of estate trails to enjoy on foot or on horse. The day pass to ride your own horse is $25 and the annual pass is $220. Definitely a pattern to emulate. The grounds are lovely, the riding, by all accounts, amazing. The time, money, and focus on the estate's main house and tours tells me that equestrian activities are incidental. I am looking for a place where outdoor recreation is the primary use but not gigantic on a national park scale. Quaint. Village-y. Charming and manageable.
4. Resorts and Country Clubs - getting closer to the Equestrian Park Pattern?
Numerous resorts exist in our country where riding is offered as an outdoor recreational activity in addition to swimming, golf, and tennis. Totally great and fabulous if you wish to ride a rental horse and additionally can afford to live at the resort!!! So, clearly not in my future, but when I was younger, my mom and I rode horses for a week around the grounds of Pinehurst while my dad golfed. We had a fabulous time riding over the pine-covered trails, but, in my opinion, my father's views on the golf course with sunlight and long shadows, bridges and azaleas, were better than ours.
Country clubs are super interesting to me as a possible pattern, especially now, since I believe locally they are a groaning, over-stuffed sausage of an antiquated dinosaur in need of some serious re-thinking.
My mom's country club is a perfect example. There is a huge golf course with flowering trees and rarely used "roughs" and golf cart paths. There are tennis courts and a swimming pool. But, memberships are down because all the old people are dying off and the entire system is dated. They built a giant, new clubhouse and serve the typical country club dinners nightly created by award winning chefs, but it isn't a happening place. The building is new and big. Big lacks character. Big is never quaint or inviting. Honestly, the clubhouse looks like a retirement home from the outside. No one attends their events except for the oldest members. Young, active people want small, well-designed eating spaces where they can pop in for a fresh bite after one activity and on the way to another. They don't eat big, elaborate dinners anymore. The coolest little building is the "Tee Bar" out on the course - popular and very close to my ideal equestrian park après- outbuilding.
Maizie plays tennis out of Hershey Country Club. The space there is a little more attractive - I love the smaller pool house buildings, architecturally at least. But, there is no running or riding on the gorgeous perimeter. Why not? I happen to run on a public bike path around and through another golf course in Hershey and it is the very best. Streams, trees, shade, ducks - quaint. If only I could ride there too, but horses are not permitted.
5. Helen Howarth Equestrian Park Pattern
Helen Howarth Equestrian Park is the magical horse park in St. Petersburg, Florida that I mentioned at the beginning of this post and talked about at length on this post and in this Equitrekking Article. This park is close to perfect in its fit for the style of riding I am doing now. That area of Pinellas County is teeming with equestrians and the park is the center of the action.
Every morning, a group of about 6-8 women and three men gather at the barn and together head out to ride to the Helen Howarth Park and to another equestrian friendly park that is adjacent. The group, which I join when visiting, is made up of riders who are age 16 - 76. The municipality supports and promotes equestrian activities by providing horse crossing zones, signs, flashing lights and manure pick-up.
Real estate in the vicinity draws in horse people and tack shops and boarding barns naturally follow and prosper around the park perimeter. This park is as close to my ideal as anything I've seen. It is a little small (60 acres) but when we add in the second private park and the time riding on horse-friendly sidewalks getting to the park, riding time is just about right - 1-2 hours for the entire loop.
The only thing lacking in this little equestrian hamlet are amenities that promote an après-riding experience. We all just hop on and ride for an hour or so and laugh and talk, and then scramble to finish up because we are starving. Often, after our barn work, the horses get put away and we drive far from the barn to meet for lunch at a local restaurant. What if the restaurant was on the equestrian park perimeter and welcomed us to eat outside with our horses safely munching nearby?
6. Après-Pattern Defined
The French prefix après- means after - specifically the time period of socializing following an activity. Après-ski is the most common use of the popular custom of going out for dancing and drinks following skiing in the Alps.
The term is now frequently used in our country in ski circles, but the concept has long been understood in the world of golf as the 19th Hole.
My fixation with the après-riding, the après-run, après-anything experience is actually not about the food, but about the time spent discussing the activity in an attractive, aesthetically pleasing space.
Après-activity is the glue that holds the whole together. Sometimes I get tired of our nation being obsessed with food, but when I sit back and think about the time and aesthetic considerations thrown at eating spaces all over the world, it seems logical that food obsession happened. Quaint bistros are inviting. Outdoor dining is lovely. Spending time in attractive spaces is just as addictive as the food.
People are drawn to places like Aspen, Telluride, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc to ski, but the idea and experience of the après-ski in little cafes on the slopes is unique to their sport. Reliving the ski run and enjoying the gathering in an attractive setting is important.
Shopping mall developers know this and have created fake "village" spaces with outdoor dining and shopping centered around pretend "streets" and flower-bedecked lanes and alleys. Even shoppers get to relive their "sport" in an inviting après-setting.
I'd like to have little cafes on my riding "slopes"! I would enjoy riding in a park as beautiful as a golf course. It would be great to picnic with my horse - not at a campground that is brown and woodsy and miles away - but in a suburban/country horse park. I live to ride on flower-bedecked lanes and quaint bridges.
Sounds spoiled doesn't it?
Really? Didn't other equestrian sports want:
Stadium jump arena w/competition level footing, full size dressage arena w/competition level footing, adjacent schooling arena area with grass footing and rolltop schooling jumps, 80' x 200' bright mirrored indoor riding arena with sand/rubber flake mix riding surface, 2 official size outdoor dressage arenas with sand/rubber flake mix riding surface, 2 inside heated wash / grooming stalls with sink and central grooming vac, loft level fully furnished private club room with kitchen and arena viewing area, over 6 acre fenced schooling area with natural footing designed to accommodate multiple disciplines, X-Country schooling complex designed by licensed FEI course designer, separately fenced area with improved footing for dressage and flat work training?
My desired amenities are just different from current offerings in Equestrian Centers and planned Equestrian Communities. The type of riding I enjoy with a group of friends in Florida tells me that I am not alone. The money and time and effort to maintain arenas and rings and show grounds could be spent on relevant (to us) features in a garden-like facility.
7. Itchycoo Park - The Equestrian Garden Language
As a quick aside: I don't actually imagine calling my dream equestrian garden, Itchycoo Park. This is a temporary name for reference only. Itchycoo Park is a 1967 song by the Small Faces. When I was young and heard the lead singer, Steve Marriott's haunting voice describe a place so beautiful it would make you cry, I adopted the song as my all time favorite. Before moving to Nutmeg Cottage I owned a 1787 log farmhouse with a yard and garden so lovely that I called it Itchycoo Park. It's all too beautiful.
Ok - back to the plan: By pulling all the previous patterns together you can imagine a language that celebrates the perfect symbiotic relationship of riding, running, walking, cross-country skiing, leisurely biking, and perhaps tennis and swimming all combined with their associated après-activities in one location. In addition, the open space (not used by a golf course or amusement park) encourages an orchard, a flower farm, and the raising of organic vegetables for farm-to-table produce in the on-site vegan luncheonette and French patisserie.
Unlike a resort, traditional equestrian center, or historic estate, there is zero focus or expenditure in maintaining an estate building, resort hotel, golf course or show grounds/indoor arena. Instead, like a suburban amusement park, this "garden/park" is focused on the use of the land - and yes, in all weather. My rambles on my horses in winter may be shorter, but they are just as beautiful and could do with a quick stop for a cup of hot chocolate and an apple for my horse just as easily as on a summer day. Tennis, swimming, and x-country skiing are seasonal, but running, walking, riding, and nearby post-sport gathering are fun activities all year round.
8. Details:
- A perimeter fence around the entire equestrian garden park will keep horses from straying in cases when a rider falls off.
- Small parking area outside fence. Ideally, like in St. Petersburg, the majority of riders will live and ride from private farms and boarding barns located near the park. The equestrian park draws the supporting businesses and riders choose to live nearby. Access can be gained through horse-safe perimeter gates.
- No motorized vehicles inside except for maintenance.
- A day pass or season's pass allows access and ensures proper equine health certificates for all horses.
127 acres (arbitrary for discussion) partially wooded and preferably with hills and a stream or pond. The various paths need to allow for a six mile, non-repetitive run to ensure a 1-2 hour ride. Using the golf course pattern of switchbacks, that mileage is fairly easy to get in a relatively small space.
- Adjacent to a linear Rail Trail where equestrians are permitted to ride.
Three free standing, independently leased (tiny shops) i.e. bistro, vegan luncheonette, and/or patisserie located on the perimeter fence and open on the inside for visitors and outside of the park to the public for business sustainability during the off-season.
Like the horse-friendly (human) restroom in Helen Howarth Equestrian Park, all eating shops, restrooms, and picnic areas will be flanked by small, shaded turnout spaces for horses. These outdoor "stalls" will have pea gravel for drainage and offer water and hay. It will be the rider's responsibility to remove manure from the space after using. Muck buckets and forks provided at each station. Four or more horse holding stalls per restaurant. This system works super well in the horse park in St. Petersburg.
Al fresco dining with your horse in a Public House garden is nothing new in England. Even now I see threads on the UK Horse and Hound site with people asking other equestrians which pubs in their county allow riders to tie up and grab a shandy or sandwich.
Riding in and around cutting flowers will also be allowed. Hopefully, manure gathered from paths and composted into well-rotted (Black Gold) soil can be used on flowers, orchard, and vegetables.
The open land that is not planted can be left wild as free hand-grazing areas and for meandering farm tracks (below) for riding and running. I have had a lot of success with allowing large areas of land to grow wild (above) and then my farmer, Ron, uses his small equipment to cut the weedy grass into cattle hay twice a year. His equipment is old fashioned and tiny and gets into little spaces and around trees and groves of trees which would be perfect to keep the park setting without getting too tidy.
to keep us healthy with all this après-ing we'd be doing! Her vegan creations are just amazing!
9. The Plantation Inn
My grand scheme is a little daunting. Certainly, I would much prefer to find out that a similar model exists in this country so I wouldn't have to pine and plan for a possible future dream equestrian garden. I am inspired and driven to move forward by two separate forces, however.
First, my original plan to ride horses using a new, unorthodox style was amazingly easy to realize. In a relatively short amount of time the goal was attained which inspires me to keep moving forward and establish the appropriate venue.
Second, my grandfather, a Renaissance Man - (architect, pilot, businessman, visionary) followed his own siren's song and built an unusual (for the time) project, The Plantation Inn. After successfully establishing local Drive-In restaurants in the 1950's complete with "curb service" my grandfather decided to change directions and built a Best Western motel on land near our turnpike exit.
And then he added the amenities.
He designed a Par 3, pitch and putt golf course on site. Pitch and putt is not miniature golf. The fairways are long enough to use irons to "drive" which actually is just really long chipping, but still, at 100 yards, it is quite a distance from tee to green. Without the benefit of the internet my grandfather had to travel, photograph, research and teach himself how to build a fully operational 18 hole golf course on a smaller scale.
But the beauty of the project was in his details. He added a pool, picnic gazebo, coffee shoppe and tennis court. The golf course, which was open to motel guests and to the public, had organic shaped bunkers, a stream, two bridges, flowering trees and adorable hand-painted signs at every tee.
People would come from all over to stay at the motel, returning year after year to this modest "resort" - a "country club" for the common man. My grandfather never joined our local country club. He felt at peace, so alive in his own small golf course. You could just tell how much he loved his creation. He would walk around the property replacing divots and picking up trash, whistling and smiling all the time.
I spent many hours in a huge tree that was planted beside the stream. Golfers would cross a bridge right under me and never know I was there. My friends and I would swim and play tennis all day and when we were tired of that we would head to the golf course - a huge, open landscaped playland. So many hours we "cantered" our imaginary horses all over the grounds. We circled around shrubbery and "had picnics" with our "horses" under the trees and by the stream. I am certain my current affinity for riding around trees and landscaped areas comes directly from this time.
There are photos he took of the project as it was being built, complete with his shadow. I wonder, was his heart racing? Was he nervous about what he was creating? It really was just this side of folly for that time period.
My grandfather passed away in 1990 but I think he would like my vision for an equestrian park. He never had horses at the motel - our farm is two miles away - but on our farm he carved out groves and small vistas of fruit trees like he was redesigning a golf course over there. We always had beautiful places to ride our real horses because of his designs in the woods.
A Farewell
So now it is time for me to say so long. I am going to give the blog a rest. Writing (400 posts!) about Pie, Sovey, and Foggy over the years has been rewarding on so many levels. I've "met" all of you and your sweet horses which has been the very best part. I learned so much about horses and horsekeeping from you, my friends. Thank you!
I did finally finish "the book" and had a practice copy sent to me for my birthday in January. I am sad to report that it was a complete flop! It sounded so preachy and annoying - I couldn't read it myself. What a good lesson I learned. I love horses and riding and blogging in little snippets is pleasantly uplifting, but writing a bigger essay can lead to too much soapbox preaching. Yuck.
So, now I will finally tackle the trails in my woods that have been in need of trimming and I will dream daily of forging new paths - perhaps in a magical equestrian garden.
Maybe someday I will return to tell you that we moved into a little gatekeeper's house plopped down in the middle of an equestrian park...
Our copy of A Pattern Language was bought in 1987 and the well-worn cover and dog-eared pages tell the role it played in Brian's restoration of the little 1874 folk house we live in and call Nutmeg Cottage. I used it when designing the garden and quickly realized that this book held the key to much more than utilizing light and planning efficient traffic patterns.
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Our garden in its last spring before three silly Thoroughbred horsey-boys took over my life. |
Suffice to say that my new patterns with horses solved the problem of what the phrases "I love horses" "I ride horses" "I am an equestrian" meant to me. So often we repeat statements like "I love horses" until they become a mantra in our life, but we might allow the associated images, those accepted and understood by others, to change our own images and our own intentions. I wanted to eliminate the concepts and words that did not match my honest, true, essential image of "I ride horses" - ring, indoor, arena, show, lunge, lunge whip, round pen, clinic, spurs, crop, pinned, number, clock, calendar, points, ribbon, schooling area, worked down, he needs a job, mane pulling, clip, braid, adrenaline, off, issues, nails, bombproof, scopey, groceries, hurry, trainer, too windy - and replace them with words that did match - throaty nicker greeting, whiskers, fragrant muzzle, munching, hand-walk, hand-graze, calm, alert, bareback, bitless, barefoot, safe, woods, farm track, daily ride.
In no way am I saying that the former words and concepts were bad or wrong or that the two lists are mutually exclusive to other people. The first list is just not what I pictured when I thought about being with a horse therefore I replaced the former pattern language with the one I originally, in childhood, visualized. Then I devised a plan to make the image real.
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Calm yet alert, my Sovereign takes me out on a typical ramble, bareback and in just his halter, August 2012. |
Yet there is one pattern in the language that hasn't been resolved - venue. Because, as hoped, this style of riding strips away the non-essential elements (those time consuming peripheral tasks I wasn't interested in) and allows an abundance of quality hours spent actually riding a relaxed, happy horse, I find myself daydreaming about riding in a suitable equestrian park and gardens - full of bridle paths and relevant, horse-friendly amenities that actually cater to the type of riding we are doing.
I've "traversed" the globe many times in the last five years on the internet looking for THE equestrian park, municipal or private, that fully utilizes the benefits this style of riding affords, but I can say with certainty it doesn't exist. I've found snippets here and there - in fact, I've been fortunate enough to experience first hand a magical equestrian park in Florida that comes very, very close, but even there, the focus is on a different ideal.
What does exist in great numbers are venues catering to other equestrian visions - those of training, performance, showing, competition, or day-long/weekend trail riding. Googling "equestrian park" "equestrian center" "equestrian community" unearths fabulous locations with too many amenities to list. Some typical ones include:
Stadium jump arena w/competition level footing
Full size dressage arena w/competition level footing
Adjacent schooling arena area with grass footing and rolltop schooling jumps
80' x 200' bright mirrored indoor riding arena with sand/rubber flake mix riding surface.
2 official size outdoor dressage arenas with sand/rubber flake mix riding surface.
2 inside heated wash / grooming stalls with sink and central grooming vac.
Loft level fully furnished private club room with kitchen and arena viewing area.
Over 6 acre fenced schooling area with natural footing designed to accommodate multiple disciplines.
X-Country schooling complex designed by licensed FEI course designer.
Separately fenced area with improved footing for dressage and flat work training.
A search of "horse trails" or "horse campgrounds" elicits:
200 miles of trails, a large equestrian staging area with horse trailer parking, campsites, corrals, hitching posts, picnic shelter, fire rings, tables, water, electricity and toilets.
While these popular equestrian centers and parks are surely amazing and well-designed (probably most horse people are drooling after reading) they do not align with my idea of what "state of the art" equestrian facilities means to the horse experience I am enjoying now. So, I thought for fun, I'd use this blog, a selfish platform anyway, to brainstorm my own vision. Although the design that follows is not new to me - it has been in my mind's eye since childhood as the idyllic location where people ride horses - it is still raw. Raw does not necessarily mean vague in this instance because, as you will see below, I am aware of, and full of intense passion for, the details. But, my presentation is in its raw form as in this is the first time I've tried to write the concept out, complete with photographs. (Usually I am fervently describing my plan in person to poor friends and family members who have to endure my enthusiastic arm waving and jubilant, half-finished sentences.) The photos and examples here are helpful to buoy my belief that every part of the whole actually exists somewhere. In other words, I am not talking about riding on the moon!
As I outline each pattern of my horse dream park/community/après-riding experience, I will give the background information, the psychology, the "why" behind my glee (total giddy thrill, really) for that specific piece of the puzzle and how its inclusion lends itself to this style of riding. The photos enlarge if you click on them - especially helpful for the horizontally aligned photos.
Ok, ready? Oh, boy, I'm nervous...this is quite a glimpse into my soul and I feel vulnerable! We all hear the call of our own siren's song. This is mine. (Siren's Song, Swan Song - wow, I'm doing lots of singing!) And, if you have a short attention span and get annoyed with my long-winded luxuriating in all the yummy minutia (Mom) then just scroll down to the Itchycoo Park heading for the short version.
1. The Golf Course Pattern for Equestrian Gardens
1. The Golf Course Pattern for Equestrian Gardens
I've mentioned on other posts that I believe golf courses are absolutely the most perfect place to ride a horse. Obviously, I have no interest in riding on an operational golf course where people are actually playing golf because of the inherent danger of getting hit by a golf ball. In addition, I've been told the chemicals are horrific so the framework of the golf course design is my main focus as a starting point. Cart paths and fairways scream for riders and runners and cross-country skiers. The gently rolling hills, groves of trees, ponds, bridges, stone walls and flowering shrubs are unique. There are few other sports that take the time to flower and beautify large expanses of land that are completely incidental to the actual action. These very typical scenes, above and below, are only for golfers to enjoy. Why is that? Given the opportunity to stroll on my barefoot horse around the groves of trees and fairways, circling the ponds and walking over the bridges of Augusta, or any golf course really, I can promise I would look around and enjoy the beauty with just as much awe and grateful wonder as a golfer.
When I look at that cart path to the right of the Redbud below, I long to run there or ride there. And the autumn trees, in the photo above with large areas of open land carved out, is to be enjoyed by equestrians and runners alike, surely. Obviously the tightly manicured grass, silly bunkers, and fake green color is over-the-top and not to be emulated, but the space and traffic pattern and woodland borders and paths - all a good starting framework.
When I look at that cart path to the right of the Redbud below, I long to run there or ride there. And the autumn trees, in the photo above with large areas of open land carved out, is to be enjoyed by equestrians and runners alike, surely. Obviously the tightly manicured grass, silly bunkers, and fake green color is over-the-top and not to be emulated, but the space and traffic pattern and woodland borders and paths - all a good starting framework.
Truly what I am after has nothing to do with golfing or golf courses. I am all about the idea of a community equestrian space, much like a village or community green but on a larger scale. The fact that we do not really have village greens (or villages for that matter) in this country makes discussion of them difficult. England and Europe both boast public bridle paths and foot paths that converge in villages. Although tempting, I am not going to move the boys across the pond.
New York's Central Park of today is a mediocre example although I think it was probably very close to my ideal sometime during the last century. Here, just for fun, are four stills from my favorite scene in the movie Hair. I fell in love with the idea of riding in Central Park when I saw this in the theater in 1979. When Claremont closed in April of 2007 it was all over for that park in my opinion - not that Manhattan is good for a horse-lover's soul anyway. If you click the top photo you can watch the video. Warning: Not for children!!!!
Locally back home in Pennsylvania, most suburban community and municipal parks are full to the hilt with soccer fields and portable toilets. They are either too large to be quaint or completely devoid of flowering trees and small groves set among rolling hills.
Linear parks like many "Rails to Trails" that allow equestrians, runners, and bikers are excellent. This sign above, is the type displayed on one of our family's favorite bike trails, The York Heritage Trail. (As an aside, I totally LOVE that this sign tells everyone to yield to horses. I like it not because I am some power hungry control freak who likes to boss people around while riding, but it makes me smile because the people who designed these park signs understand that horses are the least predictable of the group. So funny and true!) Anyway, while linear parks are fabulous and important, I think they need to be adjacent to, or terminate into, a larger equestrian/running/skiing park space.
Riding and running over the same out and back course, even if trailering to different trail heads, gets monotonous. I know. I run small sections of a twelve-mile stretch of the scenic Appalachian Trail daily. And while I consider myself exceptionally lucky to have such a gem in my backyard, the linear nature of the AT does not provide the open green space that allows for a village hub of horse-related, non-competitive recreation and the associated après-activities.
The Appalachian Trail (horses not allowed anyway) and other linear rails to trails systems do not promote gathering because they are a point A to point B design scheme. Bridle path networks and happy jumbles of linear trails gone circular like those found in our national parks and in pockets of horse communities like Tryon, Asheville/Biltmore, Wellington, and of course the Bedford Riding Lanes in New York, among others, are very close to perfect. However, there still is a lack of the kernel space that caters to my type of riding.
Again, without golfers present, golf courses look exactly like a space where strolling should occur. Strolling. This is the thing. Walking, jogging, or running quietly among the trees, not racing. Biking with a basket and flowers, not aerodynamic helmets and sponsored jerseys. Cross-country skiing for fresh air and exercise. And riding a horse around the grounds. Not to a ring, after the show, outside the arena, for twenty miles, or for a cool down, but as the intended destination - the hour long stroll in a large, lovely, park full of horse friendly amenities. Amenities that are not typical in equestrian circles (yet) but oh, so, desirable. More on them in a bit...
How Large? Urban golf courses average 110-120 acres and courses at resorts are generally 170-190 acres.
Most golfers walk 4-6 miles in an average round of golf. Riding at the walk on a perimeter trail or through winding paths for one to two hours would be optimal to promote healthy (for horse) rides for both the daily rider or for riders who can only get out to the barn on weekends. No more lameness from sporadic overwork - hooray!
2. The Theme Park Pattern
Like most people I've been to a zillion different amusement parks over the years and I guess they are ok, but I do not find them to be super thrilling. Loud and gaudy, they aren't exactly my thing. Comically, the last time I was to Walt Disney World was when I was five years old (1972) and Maizie has never been, although we vacation each year in Florida.
But, the design - well, that is something altogether different. I have always been very much inspired by the layout and design of a good theme park. Obviously, Disney offers an over-the-top flashy aesthetic in its colors and characters, but at the core, there is something to be learned and admired.
Walt Disney visited Tivoli Gardens in Denmark to get ideas for his original (160 acre) Disneyland concept. Tivoli holds many secrets to the pattern of a horse friendly garden/equestrian park. Specifically, Tivoli and the Pleasure Garden model, primarily a European concept, is almost exactly what my ideal riding venue would offer.
Ignore the "rides" - it is the paths and gardens and bistros that are important. |
I've mentioned on past posts that I rarely do anything without thinking about riding. I do not know if that sentence conveys what I mean. Literally, I am always thinking about riding. As I go about my day, in suburban areas, country, or urban, I often see interesting places to ride or run. I want to ride or run where I am looking. I do not picture myself riding in a ring. I do not think about riding in an indoor arena. Ever. Neither place comes to my mind as in "I wish I was riding a ring" - neither makes my heart race with anticipation. When I think about riding a horse, I think of riding...through a garden. I am not being affected or dramatic. I do. When I am at an amusement park, or golf course, or cemetery, or city park or any open place that is well designed with paths and flowering trees, I imagine riding there or running there or cross-country skiing there. Landscaping can be tight and neat or wild and prairie-like, but the time and design ideas that are thrown at beautifying these types of spaces scream for running and riding and skiing to take place there - in my opinion. I get all adrenaline-y just thinking about it!
That said, I am totally NOT interested in riding in any of these spaces that are not designated for horses or animals. I do not like when people bring animals into non-animal safe venues to be showy. Hellishly hot street fairs where people bring dogs or boa constrictors(!) to get attention drive me insane. Beaches where pets are not permitted and therefore do not have proper watering stations makes me worry and fret - (oh, they don't have shade, oh, it is too hot, oh, poor puppy only has salt water). Riding through our local cemetery is sub-par, even though I have permission, because I do not enjoy being showy. If I knew no one was around, I would love it. So I would not enjoy riding in an amusement park or other public place if it was specifically not set up for horses.
Lovely landscaped areas and bridle paths are everywhere I look except in an "equestrian center" or in an "equestrian park" - why?
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I would like to ride here if permitted. |
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And here. |
Why not here too? |
Only in France...right? | lucky. |
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Silly American "castle" back at Disney, German inspired, but how about those lighted walkways with the tiny little Mary Poppins Cherry Tree Lane fences? Sigh. I want to ride on those walkways. |
A wonderful instagram friend from France rides her OTSB around the Chateau De La Batisse, above. Seriously, her photos always make me consider moving, but for me, it isn't about the castles - it's the grounds. She rides in sublime places.
In our own country we have estates like Biltmore, below, that offer lovely manicured grounds and miles of trails.
Walkers, human and puppy on a Biltmore farm track path. |
4. Resorts and Country Clubs - getting closer to the Equestrian Park Pattern?
Numerous resorts exist in our country where riding is offered as an outdoor recreational activity in addition to swimming, golf, and tennis. Totally great and fabulous if you wish to ride a rental horse and additionally can afford to live at the resort!!! So, clearly not in my future, but when I was younger, my mom and I rode horses for a week around the grounds of Pinehurst while my dad golfed. We had a fabulous time riding over the pine-covered trails, but, in my opinion, my father's views on the golf course with sunlight and long shadows, bridges and azaleas, were better than ours.
Country clubs are super interesting to me as a possible pattern, especially now, since I believe locally they are a groaning, over-stuffed sausage of an antiquated dinosaur in need of some serious re-thinking.
My mom's country club is a perfect example. There is a huge golf course with flowering trees and rarely used "roughs" and golf cart paths. There are tennis courts and a swimming pool. But, memberships are down because all the old people are dying off and the entire system is dated. They built a giant, new clubhouse and serve the typical country club dinners nightly created by award winning chefs, but it isn't a happening place. The building is new and big. Big lacks character. Big is never quaint or inviting. Honestly, the clubhouse looks like a retirement home from the outside. No one attends their events except for the oldest members. Young, active people want small, well-designed eating spaces where they can pop in for a fresh bite after one activity and on the way to another. They don't eat big, elaborate dinners anymore. The coolest little building is the "Tee Bar" out on the course - popular and very close to my ideal equestrian park après- outbuilding.
Maizie plays tennis out of Hershey Country Club. The space there is a little more attractive - I love the smaller pool house buildings, architecturally at least. But, there is no running or riding on the gorgeous perimeter. Why not? I happen to run on a public bike path around and through another golf course in Hershey and it is the very best. Streams, trees, shade, ducks - quaint. If only I could ride there too, but horses are not permitted.
5. Helen Howarth Equestrian Park Pattern
Helen Howarth Equestrian Park is the magical horse park in St. Petersburg, Florida that I mentioned at the beginning of this post and talked about at length on this post and in this Equitrekking Article. This park is close to perfect in its fit for the style of riding I am doing now. That area of Pinellas County is teeming with equestrians and the park is the center of the action.
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Me on Appendix gelding, Chaunson, with my friend Barb on Titan (ears). |
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Typical group ride to park using horse crossing, Black Friday, 2011. |
Real estate in the vicinity draws in horse people and tack shops and boarding barns naturally follow and prosper around the park perimeter. This park is as close to my ideal as anything I've seen. It is a little small (60 acres) but when we add in the second private park and the time riding on horse-friendly sidewalks getting to the park, riding time is just about right - 1-2 hours for the entire loop.
The only thing lacking in this little equestrian hamlet are amenities that promote an après-riding experience. We all just hop on and ride for an hour or so and laugh and talk, and then scramble to finish up because we are starving. Often, after our barn work, the horses get put away and we drive far from the barn to meet for lunch at a local restaurant. What if the restaurant was on the equestrian park perimeter and welcomed us to eat outside with our horses safely munching nearby?
6. Après-Pattern Defined
The French prefix après- means after - specifically the time period of socializing following an activity. Après-ski is the most common use of the popular custom of going out for dancing and drinks following skiing in the Alps.
Ok, so this is so me...fondue pot...1960's...totally want to climb into this photo! |
My fixation with the après-riding, the après-run, après-anything experience is actually not about the food, but about the time spent discussing the activity in an attractive, aesthetically pleasing space.
Après-activity is the glue that holds the whole together. Sometimes I get tired of our nation being obsessed with food, but when I sit back and think about the time and aesthetic considerations thrown at eating spaces all over the world, it seems logical that food obsession happened. Quaint bistros are inviting. Outdoor dining is lovely. Spending time in attractive spaces is just as addictive as the food.
People are drawn to places like Aspen, Telluride, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc to ski, but the idea and experience of the après-ski in little cafes on the slopes is unique to their sport. Reliving the ski run and enjoying the gathering in an attractive setting is important.
Shopping mall developers know this and have created fake "village" spaces with outdoor dining and shopping centered around pretend "streets" and flower-bedecked lanes and alleys. Even shoppers get to relive their "sport" in an inviting après-setting.
I'd like to have little cafes on my riding "slopes"! I would enjoy riding in a park as beautiful as a golf course. It would be great to picnic with my horse - not at a campground that is brown and woodsy and miles away - but in a suburban/country horse park. I live to ride on flower-bedecked lanes and quaint bridges.
Even Anthropologie is getting into the horse picnic dream, above to right. |
Sounds spoiled doesn't it?
Really? Didn't other equestrian sports want:
Stadium jump arena w/competition level footing, full size dressage arena w/competition level footing, adjacent schooling arena area with grass footing and rolltop schooling jumps, 80' x 200' bright mirrored indoor riding arena with sand/rubber flake mix riding surface, 2 official size outdoor dressage arenas with sand/rubber flake mix riding surface, 2 inside heated wash / grooming stalls with sink and central grooming vac, loft level fully furnished private club room with kitchen and arena viewing area, over 6 acre fenced schooling area with natural footing designed to accommodate multiple disciplines, X-Country schooling complex designed by licensed FEI course designer, separately fenced area with improved footing for dressage and flat work training?
My desired amenities are just different from current offerings in Equestrian Centers and planned Equestrian Communities. The type of riding I enjoy with a group of friends in Florida tells me that I am not alone. The money and time and effort to maintain arenas and rings and show grounds could be spent on relevant (to us) features in a garden-like facility.
7. Itchycoo Park - The Equestrian Garden Language
As a quick aside: I don't actually imagine calling my dream equestrian garden, Itchycoo Park. This is a temporary name for reference only. Itchycoo Park is a 1967 song by the Small Faces. When I was young and heard the lead singer, Steve Marriott's haunting voice describe a place so beautiful it would make you cry, I adopted the song as my all time favorite. Before moving to Nutmeg Cottage I owned a 1787 log farmhouse with a yard and garden so lovely that I called it Itchycoo Park. It's all too beautiful.
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I borrowed then altered this flower garden map to use as an example for discussion. |
Unlike a resort, traditional equestrian center, or historic estate, there is zero focus or expenditure in maintaining an estate building, resort hotel, golf course or show grounds/indoor arena. Instead, like a suburban amusement park, this "garden/park" is focused on the use of the land - and yes, in all weather. My rambles on my horses in winter may be shorter, but they are just as beautiful and could do with a quick stop for a cup of hot chocolate and an apple for my horse just as easily as on a summer day. Tennis, swimming, and x-country skiing are seasonal, but running, walking, riding, and nearby post-sport gathering are fun activities all year round.
8. Details:
- A perimeter fence around the entire equestrian garden park will keep horses from straying in cases when a rider falls off.
- Small parking area outside fence. Ideally, like in St. Petersburg, the majority of riders will live and ride from private farms and boarding barns located near the park. The equestrian park draws the supporting businesses and riders choose to live nearby. Access can be gained through horse-safe perimeter gates.
- No motorized vehicles inside except for maintenance.
- A day pass or season's pass allows access and ensures proper equine health certificates for all horses.
127 acres (arbitrary for discussion) partially wooded and preferably with hills and a stream or pond. The various paths need to allow for a six mile, non-repetitive run to ensure a 1-2 hour ride. Using the golf course pattern of switchbacks, that mileage is fairly easy to get in a relatively small space.
- Adjacent to a linear Rail Trail where equestrians are permitted to ride.
Three free standing, independently leased (tiny shops) i.e. bistro, vegan luncheonette, and/or patisserie located on the perimeter fence and open on the inside for visitors and outside of the park to the public for business sustainability during the off-season.
Like the horse-friendly (human) restroom in Helen Howarth Equestrian Park, all eating shops, restrooms, and picnic areas will be flanked by small, shaded turnout spaces for horses. These outdoor "stalls" will have pea gravel for drainage and offer water and hay. It will be the rider's responsibility to remove manure from the space after using. Muck buckets and forks provided at each station. Four or more horse holding stalls per restaurant. This system works super well in the horse park in St. Petersburg.
Public access from outside the park keeps the restaurants in business all year round. |
Al fresco dining with your horse in a Public House garden is nothing new in England. Even now I see threads on the UK Horse and Hound site with people asking other equestrians which pubs in their county allow riders to tie up and grab a shandy or sandwich.
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Mahogany all-weather tables hold hot chocolate for the intrepid winter rider! |
Picnics, rest, and reflection can take place anywhere along the paths - not just at the luncheonettes.
The property will be posted with no hunting signs!
And outbuildings and bathrooms will be kept quaint, crisp and clean with...
Riding through the orchard will be encouraged.
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My idol in the Skagit Valley, Floret Flower Farm! Oh, to have her as our flower farmer! |
Definitely riding is permitted here!
The open land that is not planted can be left wild as free hand-grazing areas and for meandering farm tracks (below) for riding and running. I have had a lot of success with allowing large areas of land to grow wild (above) and then my farmer, Ron, uses his small equipment to cut the weedy grass into cattle hay twice a year. His equipment is old fashioned and tiny and gets into little spaces and around trees and groves of trees which would be perfect to keep the park setting without getting too tidy.
Farm tracks for running, riding...
and skiing!
Inside the park there can be a horse friendly snack bar - with treats for humans and horses.
Naturalized bluebells on the woodland trails, above and below. Small and manageable spaces allow for some whimsy - especially when show grounds and their accompanying structures are not needed to be built or maintained.
Riding through the woods and popping out at the...
Horse-welcoming general store that sells...
...for thirsty boys like Sovereign! Slurp!
Organic produce grown on site by someone like the insanely talented Laura...
Geocaching with horses in the gardens and riding through the wildflower fields...all permitted and encouraged. Horses are permitted everywhere you would want to ride actually - hooray!
9. The Plantation Inn
My grand scheme is a little daunting. Certainly, I would much prefer to find out that a similar model exists in this country so I wouldn't have to pine and plan for a possible future dream equestrian garden. I am inspired and driven to move forward by two separate forces, however.
First, my original plan to ride horses using a new, unorthodox style was amazingly easy to realize. In a relatively short amount of time the goal was attained which inspires me to keep moving forward and establish the appropriate venue.
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My grandfather holding Chaplain. |
Second, my grandfather, a Renaissance Man - (architect, pilot, businessman, visionary) followed his own siren's song and built an unusual (for the time) project, The Plantation Inn. After successfully establishing local Drive-In restaurants in the 1950's complete with "curb service" my grandfather decided to change directions and built a Best Western motel on land near our turnpike exit.
And then he added the amenities.
He designed a Par 3, pitch and putt golf course on site. Pitch and putt is not miniature golf. The fairways are long enough to use irons to "drive" which actually is just really long chipping, but still, at 100 yards, it is quite a distance from tee to green. Without the benefit of the internet my grandfather had to travel, photograph, research and teach himself how to build a fully operational 18 hole golf course on a smaller scale.
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My dad in red putting on 18th hole, circa 1969. |
People would come from all over to stay at the motel, returning year after year to this modest "resort" - a "country club" for the common man. My grandfather never joined our local country club. He felt at peace, so alive in his own small golf course. You could just tell how much he loved his creation. He would walk around the property replacing divots and picking up trash, whistling and smiling all the time.
I spent many hours in a huge tree that was planted beside the stream. Golfers would cross a bridge right under me and never know I was there. My friends and I would swim and play tennis all day and when we were tired of that we would head to the golf course - a huge, open landscaped playland. So many hours we "cantered" our imaginary horses all over the grounds. We circled around shrubbery and "had picnics" with our "horses" under the trees and by the stream. I am certain my current affinity for riding around trees and landscaped areas comes directly from this time.
There are photos he took of the project as it was being built, complete with his shadow. I wonder, was his heart racing? Was he nervous about what he was creating? It really was just this side of folly for that time period.
My grandfather passed away in 1990 but I think he would like my vision for an equestrian park. He never had horses at the motel - our farm is two miles away - but on our farm he carved out groves and small vistas of fruit trees like he was redesigning a golf course over there. We always had beautiful places to ride our real horses because of his designs in the woods.
A Farewell
So now it is time for me to say so long. I am going to give the blog a rest. Writing (400 posts!) about Pie, Sovey, and Foggy over the years has been rewarding on so many levels. I've "met" all of you and your sweet horses which has been the very best part. I learned so much about horses and horsekeeping from you, my friends. Thank you!
I did finally finish "the book" and had a practice copy sent to me for my birthday in January. I am sad to report that it was a complete flop! It sounded so preachy and annoying - I couldn't read it myself. What a good lesson I learned. I love horses and riding and blogging in little snippets is pleasantly uplifting, but writing a bigger essay can lead to too much soapbox preaching. Yuck.
So, now I will finally tackle the trails in my woods that have been in need of trimming and I will dream daily of forging new paths - perhaps in a magical equestrian garden.
Maybe someday I will return to tell you that we moved into a little gatekeeper's house plopped down in the middle of an equestrian park...
With a bright and airy tack room that overlooks the pastures.
You can stop by for an espresso...
Oh My......I Didn't Read It Yet....But Wanted To See If It Were On My Side Bar(After You Were Dismayed About It On INSTAGRAM) I'm On My Phone, But, It's On My Side Bar! Yup, It's Wowee- Long. But I'll Make Pancakes Saturday, Have Breakfast With Your Blog!!! See You Soon, Love,KK
ReplyDeleteOh Kacy!!!!! Thank you!!! You are such a friend! Don't feel like you have to read it all - just skim! B-man and kitties and sweet Wa need you more! Thank you for checking - my always friend - blog and Instagram too!
DeleteGünümüzün en popüler bahçe çitleri arasında yer alan ve kalitesi ile her kesimden taktir toplamış ve yüksek güvenlik isteyen kişilerin en başlıca tercih ettikleri ürünümüz olan çitin maliyeti Panel Çit Fiyatları hakkında bilgi edinmek istiyorsanız lütfen sayfamıza göz atmanızı rica ediyoruz. Ayrıca sadece Türkiye'de değil Dünyanın her yerinde en çok kullanılan ürünlerin Tel örgü bahçe teli olduğunu biliyormuydunuz. Tel örgü maliyeti ve fiyatları hakkında sayfamıza göz atabilirsiniz.
DeleteLoved it and read every word! Will be sorry if you don't post any more, but understand completely. If you ever realize your vision, let us know - maybe we'll come join you!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Kate! When I think about riding in this perfect equestrian space I think of all my blogger friends there too. I will let you know - the park will need two Pies!
DeleteGood luck - with your horses - you inspire me!
Julie I can't remember a time without your blog! -- my delight in the whimsy, the education, the insight. I will miss updates to SO MANY STORIES besides ones of Foggy, Sovey and Pie -- , the elderly love birds, the little boy and his barstool apples, the other animals on the farm, your mom and granddad and grandmother, the winter trips to Florida, Maizie's maturation, Noodlebug and Brian, the many & varied musings that only come from you. And I can hardly wait to see what you do next!!
ReplyDeleteThank you soooo much for such sweet, encouraging words! Your comment made me realize how much has changed in five years - Maizie growing, and Dad going, and new "elderly love birds" as you say! I am going to miss the blog but I am looking very forward to the next adventure! Thanks for your support throughout it all!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI accidentally signed in as my husband's account (Bundle of Paradoxes) so ignore that!
ReplyDeleteYou will be so missed! I hope you have a lovely sabbatical with Foggy, Sovey, and Pie. Thank you for all that you've shared with your readers, it's been so nice.
Thank you very much Sarah! What kind words - I am so grateful. Good luck with your sweet Dassah mare and all your horsey adventures in the future!
DeleteWhat a beautiful dream you have! I hope to hear one day that you made it come true!
ReplyDeleteThanks Becky! I'll keep you posted!
DeleteYou will certainly be missed. I'll be thinking of you and your three boys and lovely family from time to time. I hope you realize all your dreams.
ReplyDeleteThanks Grey Horse Matters! I'll be thinking of you and your daughter and all your sweet horses and their amazing personalities!!!!
DeleteI read John snippets of your post--if you create a "horse park" as described, we will come! I'll miss reading about your adventures with the boys and all the lovely photos. If you're ever traveling north, let me know. Happy spring and happy riding, wherever you ride!
ReplyDeletelmel - when I wrote my post I was visualizing riding with my blogger friends and you and John and Harley and the girls were right there among everyone. I knew you guys would appreciate such a place especially if it is adjacent to woods too.
DeleteAlso, I will let you know if we come north for travel and you do the same if you come this way. Better yet, plan a trip to Pennsylvania to stay. We have a house on the farm that you and John can stay in and of course I have three horses so we can totally ride together the whole time! Just email me when you want to come!
Good luck with your horses!
Have not commented much here but will miss your blog posts! And if you ever decide to relocate, Southern Pines in NC has many many farms that are adjacent to a 4000+ acre foundation dedicated to riding trails. It is amazing and was recently given historic status to protect it from development including DOT road-building plans. Enjoy your rides!
ReplyDeleteHi billie -
DeleteThank you for the Southern Pines tip - sounds like heaven with the 4000 acre dedicated riding area!
Thanks for reading the blog and happy riding to you too!
I have not commented here often either, but I have read every word of your blog in the past 18 months (it took that long to read from the beginning to when I found the blog) and love it! I return to often to see what new adventures you've undertaken, from the smallest to big. I realize that ending the blog would take a load off your mind, but I wish you'd reconsider. Maybe just two posts a month? Don't leave! I feel as if I've lost a friend.
ReplyDeleteHi Newsed6 and thank you! Your words made me smile yesterday. I love how blogging really has made us all friends. I hope I left the door open just a tiny bit so if I ever want to pop back on the blog to say hello, I can do that. I will certainly be back if I ever get the equestrian park up and running so I can tell you all and invite you to ride there! Take care!
DeleteWell, just like a fantastic book, this post leaves me smiling and wanting to cry. I started blogging and questioning old school training for my OTTB because I found your blog. I didn't stumble on it, I searched and as was a beam of light that I needed. So, Laz and I thank you. SO MUCH :)
ReplyDeleteFor your vision--it's just genius and filled with such love, joy and easy breathing for all who enter. I feel it. If you feel like still researching, I encourage you to visit us in MI and ride through Kensington. Those trails are amazing and cut perfectly, with narrow trails, wide alleys, winding dirt horse roads, lake swims, pasture canters; all in 4000 acres. It's divided into color coded trails for short, medium or long rides. Then, go over to South Africa, and google Horse riding in Noordhoek, and visit the winery for design/layout of a lot of what you envision (minus the horse part here but easily fixed ) at Babylonstoren vineyards. Even the graphics on their menu will make you swoon. You will delight in this. I love your blog and cherish your virtual friendship. Talk soon and hugs :)
Oh sweet Kristen! Your comment made me cry. Of course this will never be the end of our ottb ramblings via text and email! And I will keep up with the youtube videos and blog posts of the adorable Lazaroo! You are my green vested, green booted twin on our twin boys Pie and Laz with their similar personalities! Your blog always makes me smile and your rides in the pastures and trails inspire me. I will check out Kensington online and in person someday and the Babylonstoren vineyards online.
DeleteYou were one of my first poster guinea pig friends and gave me so much support over the years. I wear your amazingly designed OTTB jacket with pride and get many compliments!!! You definitely should have been a copy writer - the lines you come up with - I'm still sure we have to do the tattoo poster - that was brilliant!!!!
Thank you always for being a fabulous friend - talk to you soon!
Oh. ..Itchycoo Park sounds amazing. I want to ride there too. We have had meetings in my County about multi use trails and would love to see more access via horseback to dining and shopping. I would love to spend the morning riding, then have a place to safely secure my horse and enjoy lunch with like minded, horse loving friends. That and all of your other beautiful concepts make a lovely dream. Dreams do come true, so maybe someday we'll all meet up for a lovely ride and lunch.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time with your beautiful horses and family.
Once Upon - I will email you and sweet Misty for riding at Itchycoo Park when I get it up and running! You take care of your adorable herd and Mr. Once Upon!
DeleteI've learned so much about your part of the country from your blog. I remember the first spring I was blogging away and you said you still had snow - I couldn't believe it!
Good luck riding those trails on your girl!
I'm a recent arrival here and just wanted to chime in -- thank you for your blog! I'm coming back to horsekeeping in middle age and the web has been a total delight, bringing me people like you, who are shaking up the horse-world norms. I'm on the verge of adopting an off the track Standardbred, and am carving trails out of a few acres of our New England jungle, planning my home-trails for riding around with a halter and some bale twine. Or maybe a Dr. Cooks ;-). I've adored reading your posts, of course!
ReplyDeleteMaybe consider letting your book sit and then look at it again next year. I do think you've got a bit of a manifesto going, and even the best ones slip into sounding preachy at times, but readers forgive it because of the valuable bits of loveliness all around it. Pobody's nerfect, you know? I love Emerson, but not every sentence. That said, I sometimes feel like burying stuff I've written in the backyard, so do what you have to do! Your horse park is a fantastic idea -- best of luck.
Hi Julia H. - Thank you for taking the time to read and comment! Sounds like you are just starting your exciting adventure with a new rescue, new trails, and a new way of riding! How much fun you are going to have! Enjoy!
DeleteThank you for the sound advice regarding the book. I wrestle with a "live and let live" philosophy vs. the incessant teacher in me. Your comment was so appreciated and gives me pause. The bar is high because I don't consider myself a writer - I know how to paint, I know how to spend happy hours with a horse. Writing is relatively new to me so it isn't as easy - especially when I care so much about horses and how I might influence their lot.
Good luck with your new sweetie. Let me know via email or comment how you are doing! Oh, they bring us so much joy - I smile thinking of your upcoming bliss!
Juliette! What a beautiful post. It is so heartfelt and thoughtful and horsey that I know exactly why you felt compelled, felt moved to write and live it. I will miss you in blogland, but I see clearly (have always known) that there are greener, more interesting pastures out there for you to frolic in. Isn't it wonderful to be a dreamer? To not feel trapped and stymied by the drudgery of reality? To resist the drudgery of reality? The notion that by dreaming something invites it to plop down right in front of you like a cute little gatekeeper's cottage is something believe in. I have heard from a motivational speaker that if you really want something, to write it down IN DETAIL every day for 40 days. And that small act will (somehow, remarkably) bring that vision closer to reality. Not a little closer, mind you, but REALLY CLOSE. And not in 40 days, but sooner than you'd think. I have never tried it but have considered doing it, not for anything great and lofty like what you are describing here----but just to perfect and master the canter! (I snort as I write that!) As Bill always says, Rome was not built in a day. But starting with 40 days, you could be headed in a new and glorious direction. Speaking of that, I have a quote from Frankenstein that really applies here. I find it inspiring when confronted with a large and daunting task:
ReplyDeleteDid you not call this a glorious expedition? And wherefore was it glorious? Not because the way was smooth and placid as a southern sea, but because it was full of dangers and terror; because at every new incident your fortitude was to be called forth and your courage exhibited; because danger and death surrounded it, and these you were to brave and overcome. For this was it a glorious, for this was it an honorable undertaking.” — Victor Frankenstein
As an aside, I also want to add that when I was reading your dreams for your equestrian park, I thought: Juliette needs to come to New England! Because we do have town commons here! And little villages! And on Bill's trails and land, we DO stop to picnic along the way while out riding. I will never forget when picnicking with Christine and Jackie K on the trail we stopped to eat our tuna salad and Pokey was so interested, he gobbled half a sandwich down himself! Then trampled the little tree he was tied to out of sheer curiosity! Oh, you'd fit right in here! There are many opportunities for slow and easy rambles in nature with or without a bridle and a saddle, rain or shine, heat or snow, on dry land and through water. After many rides we sit in Bill's kitchen which is often crowded with his family members and just feel happy and lucky with what we have. If only you would come and visit us! You would be hooked! You'd surely build a Nutmeg Cottage annex in the 413 area code!
I will not say good bye but FAREWELL!
Colleen! What a wonderful comment - thank you for taking the time to read my wordy post and to write such an inspiring response! You were the first person to email me about my blog and you gave me the courage to keep on writing.
DeleteI am such a dreamer, but I do believe in making those dreams real. I love your motivational speaker's advice - I totally believe it! I am already living proof that manifesting horsey dreams is completely possible. Every single day as I am slipping on Pie's halter to bring him inside and am smooshed up by he and Sovey and Foggy and all I can see is 3000 pounds of chocolately horse flesh around me in all directions, I laugh and marvel that this all came to be. I was in a chair just dreaming and wishing for horses again and boy, did I get some!
What a glorious expedition! Thank you for that quote. (Did I tell you that we are related to Mary Shelley?) I am looking so forward to my honorable undertaking.
I do think that 413 would be a heavenly area code. Sometimes I wonder if that is why Brian got a big red lyme's spot right at the exact time we were to go see you in Mass and Sage at Bennington. The time must not have been right to fall in love. We had to stay home so as not to see the beauty of it all.
And that picnic - if you only knew how many times I read and reread your blog post about the picnic ride! Many! I know exactly about your fun out there on the trail!!!! I didn't know about going back to Bill's kitchen though - oh, how perfectly wonderful!!!!!
You are my favorite exclamation point friend. I never know if you really like !!!!!!!!!!! or just think mine are funny!!!!!!!!
No goodbyes - just more fun emails and future rides at Bear River or Honeysuckle Faire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yours is the only blog I regularly read...I even had it added to my iphone screen as a direct link. Your blog is so peaceful and an enjoyable read. Thank you so much for all you shared, please come back soon and blog again...and you'll be missed! Thank you also for the Reggie and Lily custom posters you made. I checked back here today to see if you had changed your mind, but :) You are a calm voice of reason in a sometimes goofy horse world. Goodbye and best to you. - Cheryl
ReplyDeleteHi Cheryl - Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and for keeping me inspired to write over the years. I loved "meeting" you and your Reggie and Lily via your comments and the posters.
DeleteThank you especially for your "calm voice of reason" comment. That meant the world to me!
Good luck with your horses and riding!