Monday, January 27, 2014

We're oldest of friends

This picture of Foggy is from January 26, 2011, his first day at our farm - which happened to be my birthday. What a wonderful present on that day and every day since. He has filled out and become a little rotund lovebug. I can't say enough good things about this horse! Foggy is amazingly friendly and willing. He just melts my heart when I am around him. 

Yesterday was my 47th birthday and I rode the little Foggy all over the farm on the buckle. Our temperatures continue to be horrid, but my horses are sure sweet about it all. As we went up one hill, something scared him and he bucked a huge, rounded buck just like this photo. It hit right at the perfect time as I was leaning forward to reassure him so I was completely safe, thank goodness! Boy, I got lucky! He went back to his normal calm self in the next second. Foggy is very bouncy in spirit. He "boxes" with his front legs when he is turned out and pops around like a puppy. He is nine now, but he has very foal-like antics. I think his easy-going personality is a treasure in our life.

Next, I rode the sweet Pie, and Pie was equally adorable in his big, gentle giant way, but our ride was shorter. I just couldn't hack the cold. Our farm is covered in snow and the winds and air are frigid. I know it is the same for everyone. In 1967 when I was born it was a record warm week - temperatures around 71 degrees. We would be lucky if our temperatures were around 17 this year. Horsekeeping sucks in this weather, but I tell myself how fortunate I am to have them. So many days of the year are brighter because of horses. 


  1. Agreed, horsekeeping does suck in this weather! But once you get moving about, it is not so bad. . .

    Happy Birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday to you! It's the best present of all: a ride around the farm on a creature that is as magical and beautiful as the spirit buzzing around in the universe that became you!

  3. What a great birthday present you got! Hope your day was fabulous, and happy Foggy anniversary too. :D

  4. A very happy birthday - sounds like you had a good one!

  5. Hey thanks everyone!!! You all are so nice! It was a great day!

  6. Happy Birthday Juliette! Glad you got some rides in for your special day. Hope the temps warm up soon.

  7. That Foggy sure seems like a happy Boy! I love it when they leap like that (in the pasture lol! :) happy belated birthday!

  8. Happy belated Birthday--how nice to ride around on your sweet boy, and on the buckle no less!
    Yes, it's been darn cold, especially with the wind. Warmer days are coming, along with the ticks, bugs, etc. Hah! I always think of the cold as one of the merits of winter--a break from biting insects. :)


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