Sunday, October 6, 2013

(All my friends are brown and red)

Sweet Foggy and Sovey in the pasture yesterday afternoon.

Here is a closeup of the burrs I found in Foggy's foretop on Wednesday.

Poor little honey. 

He stood perfectly still and allowed me to remove every single sticky barb. It took a very long time. Foggy is easily my most patient horse. Then we had a great ride all over the farm and many apples for his troubles.

My three black beauties are stunning this time of year. Their coats are unbelievably lovely - brown and red and black and thick now - they look blue. Nature is getting them ready for winter even though the thermometer says 85 degrees. Yesterday Pie and I had a sweaty bareback ride on our land and on a neighbor's farm. He was sleepy and slow like he is in July. If you click the photo above you can see a short video of the horses strutting through their pasture.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it fun to see how they change color a little as winter comes on and their coats begin to adapt for the cold--even though we're having another heat wave!

    Poor Foggy--his topknot in a tangle. At least he's stand quietly while you pick it all out, sweet boy.


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