Monday, February 27, 2012

Running over the same old ground

Here is a shadow shot of Pie pawing for his carrots. I do not encourage pawing. Pie came to us very demonstrative with his right front and thankfully does his best to avoid humans. My mom cuts the carrots outside for Pie and many days she cuts them way too slow for a Starvin' Marvin like Mr. Pie.

It was a double header today in that I rode Pie and Sovey. Both were superb. I rode Pie in the morning with a saddle and Sovey bareback in the afternoon.

My phone is antiquated, so the quality is horrid, but here are two videos of  Pie. The first one below is funny because Pie is difficult to get moving. I am posting - goofy diagonal mess up at first, but Pie is barely trotting. My mom is cracking up laughing while she films!

And here is another one of me hugging and talking baby talk to Pie. He is the best listener - when I say, "What is Grandma Eby doing to you?" he perks his head and ears up and looks at her like "hey, yeah, what are you doing with that camera?" Cutie boy.


  1. Ha - love your Mom cracking up at you and Pie. Looks like Pie knows who his gram is too... doesn't she stock the apple stool sometimes?!

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  2. Hi Calm Forward Straight! Yes, the barstool is sometimes empty (!) (Pie says, "Can you imagine?") because of the deer and my mom carries a replacement. Pie is on to her and her snacking ways.

  3. Ha! Those clips are great! Don't you just love 'em to pieces? They always need a good hug.

  4. That boy is such a cutie Pie! Misty pawed a lot when I first got her too. Someone suggested I take advantage of it and teach her how to shake hands. But I opted to discourage it instead.

    Your mom is the best to capture these videos and keep the boys well supplemented with carrots and apples.

  5. HA, I love that your Mom is cracking up!! It's a contagious laugh as I found myself laughing with her :) Pie throws out his front legs so nicely, I bet he can cover ground when he wants to.

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