Can I just say that I adore these two horses and I have enjoyed watching their different reactions these past few days? Sometimes I feel divided having two horses because one is always left out. I imagine it might be easier to only own one horse because everything thing I do involves two times the work. The up side of more work, though, is the lovely juxtaposition of their different personalities. I get to enjoy each horse's temperament in new situations. They are sooooo different!!!

Next, it was Pie's turn to investigate. Let me just preface this part by saying that Pie is scary looking in the pasture. He pushes and shoves behind the gate and he looks and acts like a giant, aggressive woolly mammoth. Pie's presentation is actually a mirage and it has taken me almost a year to figure this all out. His "look" is partly because of his huge size, but mostly because I do not like to cut manes and foretops. To be honest, he is absolutely wild looking now and it is a shame and all my fault. He has an expressive intelligent, even refined, face under all that foretop and mane hair. But, I like the protection it offers him against bugs and the sun. It seems to me to be Nature's insulation. His behaviour is immediately subdued the second I enter the pasture and put his halter over his head. I am always amazed at how responsive Pie is to the slightest pressure on the halter. He is able to maneuver his big body with slow grace and softness through gates and in the barn and around me. (He is also this soft under saddle too, quickly yielding to gentle leg pressure.) I think of Pie like I do Zoe, the Gentle Giant Bernese Mountain Dog we petsit. Both are huge and yet careful not to crush smaller creatures (like me in Pie's case!). Ok, so you get the picture - behind the fence Pie looked like he might breathe fire on the auction items and freak out and break loose from me and run for the hills, but I knew that he would be the well-behaved sweet puppy that he is. He was unbelievably calm. Below he is in the twilight, munching apples and taking it all in. No worries for him! Sovey, tried his old trick of racing and whinnying to get Pie away from the apple tree, but it didn't work. Pie wasn't phased. Then, Sovey tried something new, which cracked me up and illustrates how smart Sovey really is. He found out that he can position himself in the pasture exactly in line with the tennis court backboard and Pie and I can't see him at all. He stands there and squeals and whinnies and it sounds like he might be far off. Pie doesn't fall for it, so Sovey pops out and looks at Pie to see if it worked. When he sees Pie still eating apples under the tree, Sovey hides behind the backboard and tries it again!!!! Can you believe it? I wish I had a videographer with me at all times!

I am anxious to see what the horses think of the carnival atmosphere on Monday night. I will turn the electric fence on - probably more to keep human hands out than the horses in! I think the horses are going to enjoy watching it all unfold!